Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday Update

God is good! Thank you for your prayers! We had a great ride up to camp and are here having an awesome first day. We arrived in time for lunch and this afternoon we settled into our rooms with our luggage, had worship with all the students and enjoyed our first day of paintball, fun at the lake, pool time and building relationships!
Tonight we will enjoy our first teaching with Pastor Sean. Please continue to pray for our students. We want them to have a blessed time encountering the Lord. Please pray that walls will be broken down and room will be made for the Lord to do work in their hearts. Continue to pray for safety and health!
We thank you for your support and prayer. Have a blessed evening and we look forward to another update (with pictures :) ) tomorrow!



  1. Praying for the Lord to do amazing things in the hearts of the youth. May He capture their hearts and help them to fall in a deeper love with their Lord and savior! May He continue to raise up a generation that will impact the generations to come and stir the call to GO and share the incredible love, grace, hope, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ! May they seek the Lord with their whole hearts and see that it is not man who the should seek to please but our loving Father.

  2. We want to thank all the volunteers and ministry workers. We are so blessed that Nick is with such a great group of people thank you for all you do. We are praying for all the children as well as the adults we know all will be moved and will never forget this awesome experience. Thank you and god bless you.
    (Nick we miss you and love you very much.)
    Joanne & Larry Wechter
